Reading List
The below Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Project and Adobe Pdf files illustrate some of the concepts necessary to understand modern space warfare. Check back periodically to view new, additional files.
Space Warfare Theory
United States Loses First Global Space War to Russians
GLONASS Attacks - Pictures & Data -
Space Threats
Lists possible space threats.
PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Escalation Ladder
Discusses possible different levels of conflict for space war.
PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Warfare Definitions
Gives suggested definitions for space warfare, mostly based on air warfare concepts.
PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Policy Issues
General discussion of possible issues concerning space warfare policies and strategies.
PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Centers Of Gravity (COG)
What are the general targets useful for space control?
PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Principles of War
How can the classical Principles of War be applied to space control? PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Strategies
What are the general means for conducting space warfare? PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Acronyms
A database of 35,000 historical and current space terms.
Zip File -
Space Military Map Icons
Custom made icons delineating specific type of space systems and theoretical weapons.
Zip File -
Sun Tzu's "Art of War" Applied to Space
Can the ancient teachings of Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC) be applied to future space warfare?
Excel - Draft Pdf - Draft -
Space Choke Points
Are some regions of space more vulnerable than others? Are there optimal regions of space an adversary should attack from?
PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Requirements - Updated!
What are the fundamental categories of information required to predict, detect and respond to space attacks?
Excel -
Possible Space Courses of Action (COA's)
What are some possible military Courses Of Action (COA) for space?
Possible COA's - Excel
Theoretical Weapons - Excel
Dictionary - Excel -
Space Ontology
Detailed topological breakdown of how to conduct warfare in space.
OWL File TBC File -
Space Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB)
Space Warfare Details and Requirements.
Excel -
Space Warfare Reading List
My favorite Space Warfare books with excellent space scenarios.
Excel Pdf -
Top 40 Rules for Space War
What are the fundamental principles for winning a Space War.
PowerPoint Pdf -
Future Space Strategies
What are possible strategies and tactics for winning a Space War.
PowerPoint Pdf -
Space Warfare Analysis Tools
What are some of the fundamental issues for Space Warfare and some of the tools to solve these issues.
PowerPoint Pdf -
Theoretical Space Warfare Scenario A
A very detailed, but theoretical, Space Warfare scenario.
Microsoft Project File -
Theoretical Space Warfare Scenario B
A very detailed, but theoretical, Space Warfare scenario.
Excel -
Theoretical Space Warfare Scenario C
A very detailed, but theoretical, Space Warfare scenario.
Excel -
Theoretical Space Warfare Scenario D
A very detailed, but theoretical, Space Warfare scenario.
Briefing - PowerPoint
Details - Excel -
Space War Game - New!
A proposal to complete development of a theoretical space war game. This can be used to develop space policy, doctrine, strategies and tactics. It will also be a training tool and the beginning of a full-up command and control system for space control and space superiority.
Pdf -
Space Rules of Engagement (ROE)
What are the limitations of space power at different conflict levels? - Document coming soon. -
Hiding Satellites in Space
Are there means to confuse an adversary as to the specific orbits of satellites in space? - Document coming soon. -
Space Attack Indicators
What does an attack against satellites look like? - Document coming soon. -
Satellite Failure Modes
What are the main ways satellites naturally fail, and how can these be distinguished from adversary attacks? - Document coming soon. -
Space Defense Regions & Identification Zones
What are the main regions and zones of space, as far as military planning and organization is concerned? - Document coming soon.